
The Pride Store

NLVS Tampa proudly supports The Pride Store by managing their Shopify-based platform on a monthly basis. Our team expertly crafted their e-commerce website to reflect the vibrant spirit and values of the LGBTQ+ community. Visit The Pride Store to see how our tailored web solutions elevate shopping experiences and foster a sense of pride and community online.

Responsive Website



For The Pride Store, NLVS Tampa has tailored a focused SEO strategy that enhances the visibility of their products through meticulous optimization and the use of Google Shopping snippets. By carefully crafting product descriptions and metadata to align with SEO best practices, we ensure each item ranks effectively in search results. This strategy not only draws more traffic but also leverages Google Shopping snippets to highlight key product features directly in search results, boosting user engagement and driving sales.

Additionally, our efforts are paying off on the Google search engine. We are successfully being shown in search results, further increasing our online presence and attracting more potential customers. Leveraging Google Shopping snippets, we highlight key product features directly in search results, boosting user engagement and driving sales. This visibility not only enhances brand recognition but also positions The Pride Store as a go-to destination for customers searching for our products online.

Branding & Graphics

TECHNOLOGY USED : Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator