

NLVS was incredibly grateful to be included along the process of building this amazing brand’s website We are deeply grateful for the chance to collaborate with SoFresh through out the development process crafting not only a visually stunning website but also implementing robust systems to streamline their operations.

Discover the healthier alternative to assembly line dining with SoFresh.

Welcome to the online home of SoFresh. SoFresh Website is more than just a digital presence, it’s an extension of warm and inviting atmosphere you’ll find in our restaurant. Here’s what you can expect on the website.

Responsive Website


Menu Management System


Our Menu Management System simplifies the process of creating and updating menus for SoFresh. With intuitive features and user-friendly interface, owners can easily input vital information about each menu item, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all platforms. Here’s what our Menu Management System offers:

Menu Item Information

SoFresh can input detailed information for each menu item, including the name, ingredients used, and calorie count. This allows for transparent communication with customers, helping them make informed choices about their meals.

Menu Item Categorization

Organizing menu items into categories makes navigation easier for both customers and staff. Whether it's appetizers, entrees, or desserts, our system allows for customizable categorization to suit the unique offerings of each establishment.

Menu Item Tags

To cater to specific dietary preferences and restrictions, our system supports the use of tags such as Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, and more. This helps customers quickly identify menu items that align with their dietary needs, enhancing their overall dining experience.

Store Location Management System


Our Store Location Management System simplifies the process of creating and updating Store Information for each SoFresh Location. With intuitive features and user-friendly interface, owners can easily input vital information about each store, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all platforms. Here’s what our Store Location Management System offers:

Adding/Updating Store Information

Update / Input details such as the store location name (e.g., Brooksville, Lutz, Kissimmee), address, Google Maps URL for easy navigation, PDF menu card, store phone number, email address, ordering platform link, operating hours, region categorization, and store image.

Location Page

All your store locations are neatly archived on the location page for easy access. Visitors can browse through the list and click on the "Read More" button to view specific location posts.

Efficient Management

With our intuitive interface, managing multiple store locations becomes a breeze. Update information in real-time and keep your customers informed.

Client Review