
Drama Kids


Lights, Camera, Action!
Drama Kids!

NLVS Tampa partnered with Drama Kids International to produce a series of dynamic commercials aimed at showcasing the transformative experiences offered by their children’s drama programs. These commercials, designed to captivate both young audiences and their parents, were distributed as pre-roll ads, paid advertising, and integrated across Drama Kids’ website, significantly enhancing their digital presence and enrollment figures.

Videos Produced for Drama Kids

Below are just a few of the amazing videos produced for Drama Kids. 

Drama Kids Franchise Q & A

Franchise Sales Video

Drama Kids Take Two Commercial

Paid Advertising

Through targeted campaigns utilizing Facebook, Google Display and Search ads, YouTube ads, LinkedIn ads, and engaging social media content, NLVS Tampa has effectively reached and engaged both potential students and franchisees for Drama Kids International. By leveraging these multifaceted advertising strategies, we have significantly increased enrollments in their camp and after-school programs while also boosting franchise sales and development. Our efforts have ensured that Drama Kids maintains a strong and growing presence in the educational sector. The ongoing collaboration between NLVS Tampa and Drama Kids has not only enhanced their visibility but has also consistently attracted new participants and franchise partners, fostering sustained growth and long-term success for the organization.

Franchise Advertising

We effectively reached and engaged potential franchisees using Google Display and Search ads, YouTube ads, and LinkedIn ads. This strategic approach led to a substantial increase in franchise leads and interest. As a long-term running campaign, our efforts continue to support and expand Drama Kids’ franchise network, ensuring sustained growth and success in attracting new franchisees.

National Program Advertising

NLVS Tampa’s targeted paid advertising campaign for Drama Kids International played a crucial role in boosting camp enrollment and after-school program growth. By leveraging Facebook and Google search and display ads, along with engaging images and videos on various social media platforms, we captured the interest of parents and children nationwide. Within just 8 weeks, we achieved our cost-per-lead goals, resulting in a significant increase in leads and enrollments. The return on investment not only covered the advertising costs but also significantly enhanced Drama Kids’ overall program growth and success.


Key Campaign Success Points:

  • Enhanced Digital Presence: The integration of the commercials significantly boosted Drama Kids’ online presence, making their programs more accessible and appealing to potential students and their parents.
  • Increased Enrollment: Our targeted advertising efforts led to a substantial increase in enrollment leads across the country. We achieved our cost-per-lead goals within just 8 weeks.
  • Impressive ROI: The campaign’s success was evident in the return on investment, which not only covered the advertising costs but also contributed significantly to Drama Kids’ overall growth.

Client Review